Freshwater State School P&C Association Executive Committee is the Approved Provider for Freshwater State School OSHC.
Parent involvement in the P&C Association and OSHC Subcommittee is encouraged to support the continual improvement of service facilities and operations. P&C meetings are held twice per term and will be advertised in the school newsletter and on Facebook prior.
Scheduled dates for 2025 are the following:
- 17th February 6pm
- 17th March 6pm
- 12th May 6pm
- 9th June 6pm
- 4th August 6pm
- 1st September 6pm
- 27th October 6pm
- 24th November 6pm
Further information or expressions of interest relating to the OSHC Subcommittee should be raised with the OSHC Coordinator. Participation as a member of the P&C Association or OSHC Subcommittee is integral as it allows you to have your say in business operations and children's learning.
Our Philosophy
Bula, Kon'nichiwa, Dai Ga Hou, Saludos, Moien, Annyeong, Guten Tag, Hej, Dia dhuit, Hallo, Olá, Ciao, Vaṇakkam, Namaskaram, privet and welcome to our meeting place
Freshwater OSHC is an outside school hours care facility located within the expansive play spaces of Freshwater State School. The rainforest slopes of the Whitfield Range backdrop our unique nature playground that is surrounded by lush trees and vibrant gardens, inviting barefoot adventures and a deep connection with the rich environment of Gimuy country. The seasonal rains bring fresh opportunities for exploration, with wet play and mud kitchens becoming new areas of discovery. Our role in the lives of children attending OSHC is more than just providing watchful eyes and basic care, it involves working in partnerships with families as a team of caregivers to support each child's development. We value our close-knit relationships with families and the wider school community, working together to ensure that every child and their family feels valued, nurtured, and cared for. Our strong commitment to child led play promotes children's sense of responsibility and self-regulation through spaces like the Zen Den quiet zone and the Top Shed loose parts play. Our children are recognised as individuals ensuring their experience is tailored for their independence to thrive.
We are committed to exploring ways to enhance our practices and experiences, continually learning and growing to meet the needs of our community. Together, we help our children understand that healthy living is not just about physical well-being but also social-emotional health; the relationship they have with themselves and others.
Behaviour Expectations
Freshwater Outside School Hours Care recognises that as a multi-aged care setting the implementation of an effective behavioural management framework is imperative in supporting the needs of children from diverse backgrounds with differing developmental needs. As part of our commitment to quality care, Freshwater Outside School Hours Care established an OSHC Matrix of Expectations outlining three clear, child focused behaviour expectations (be safe, be respectful, and be a learner) based on acceptable wider community standards. You will find a copy of our Matrix at the back of the Family Information Package (Linked provided below) and on display inside the OSHC building.
Further information can be found in the Family Information Package.
Contact Information
Approved Provider:
FSS P&C Executive Committee
Nominated Supervisor:
Alana Porsbro
General enquiries:
OSHC Admin
Office Mobile: 0491 202 342 (9:15am - 3:15pm)
After Hours Mobile: 0400 905 502 (6am - 6pm)
Operating Hours
Freshwater State School OSHC is open Monday to Friday. Session times are as follows:
Before School Care* 6:30 am – 8:50 am
After School Care* 2:50 pm – 5:50 pm
Vacation Care** 6:30 am – 6:00 pm
*Before and after school care operates during the school terms.
**Vacation care operates during the school holidays and on Student Free Days.
Fees and Charges
(before Australian Government Child Care Subsidy is applied)
Before School Care - Permanent Bookings $27.00 per session
Before School Care - Casual Bookings $29.00 per session
After School Care - Permanent Bookings $32.00 per session
After School Care - Casual Bookings $34.00 per session
Vacation Care* $79.00 per session
Excursions and Incursions (Vacation Care) Fees outlined for individual events dependent on costs
Non-Notification (Absent) Fee** $10.00 per occurrence
Non-Notification (Sign In/Out Failure) Fee** $10.00 per occurrence
Late Collection Fee** $60.00 per occurrence
Account Refund Fee** $15.00 per occurrence
*Indicative base fee only. Please refer to each vacation care program for actual costs.
** Not eligible for Child Care Subsidy out-of-pocket fee reduction.
Please fill in the 'Expression of Interest' link where you can express interest in care for you child/ren. Once filled in Admin will be in contact with the next steps. External link
Policies and Procedures
A hard copy of Service policies and procedures are located at the entrance of the main OSHC room next to the sign in iPad.
2025 Family Information Pack.pdf
Medication Administration Form.pdf
Freshwater OSHC Extra-curricular Permission Form.pdf