The Tuckshop is the responsibility of the Freshwater State School P&C. We aim to provide a quality service to the school community through offering a varied selection of healthy food and drinks at an affordable price.
The Tuckshop operates Monday to Friday during term time and is managed by the convenor, Melissa Bennett. Mel is joined by Gail, Tomo,Kat and Addy who make up our amazing tuckshop team. The ladies are barista trained and make a mean coffee, open at drop off time.
Freshie Tuckshop Menu 2025.pdf
Ordering system
There are two options for ordering from the Freshie Cafe.
School24 online ordering
You can choose to order through the convenient school24 system, allowing you the freedom of ordering from your phone, tablet or computer.
Easy, online registration
- To register, visit www.school24.net.au on any device OR install the School24 mobile app on your iPhone/Android from the Apple App Store/Google Play Store.
- Press the ORANGE registration button to create your account
- Enter your unique school ID number: 25508963
Congratulations you are now registered!
Activate your account
visit www.school24.net.au
use your registered email address and password to login. Once you have logged in you will need to complete the following steps to ensure you are ready to make your first order.
Step 1
Step 2 (optional)
- Top-up your account. You will be taken to a secure page where you can select a top-up amount and enter your card details. Top-up is instant when using visa/master cards. You can pay as you go when purchase an item/product at School24, top up a school24 account is only optional.
Place your first order!
Congratulations. You are now ready to make your first order.
Remember - all School24 orders need to be placed before 9.00 am!
For further information on how to place your first order and use the School24 system, please see attached guides or alternatively visit the Help Center:
Parent - S24 Registration Guide 2025.pdf
Parent - S24 Tuckshop Ordering Guide 2025.pdf
Paper bag ordering
Ordering can be completed via a traditional paper bag.
- Clearly write your child’s name and class, the items required and price of each, total cost of the order and whether it is required for first or second lunch on a paper bag (a sample is provided on the reverse of the tuckshop menu)
- Place the correct amount of money (if possible) in the bag and fold the top over. Do not use sticky tape or staples.
- Your child then places the paper bag with their order and money into the tuckshop box in their classroom.
If ordering items for both first and second lunch, please note that separate bags are required for each.
Foreign currency is not accepted by the tuckshop.
WE need volunteers, please come in and help out.
Volunteers are a vital part of the tuckshop service. Regular volunteer support helps the tuckshop run smoothly and keeps prices low. Volunteering in the tuckshop is a great way to get involved with your child’s school and meet new friends. You will gain food handling experience, and of course your child will love to see you working at 'their' school.
Volunteer hours and duties are flexible. Duties can range from cutting fruit to serving at the counter. Even if you are only available occasionally, any help you are able to give would be appreciated.
If you are interested in getting involved and helping out, email the Tuckshop at tuckshop@freshwaterpandc.com.au
IMPORTANT – all volunteers to the school must sign in (and out) at the School Office. Volunteers other than parents of students must hold a current Blue Card which is to be presented upon arrival.
Further reading
More information regarding the Queensland government’s smart choices strategy and guidelines can be found at the smart choices website.
Queries or concerns
If you have any queries or concerns regarding the tuckshop, please email the Tuckshop at tuckshop@freshwaterpandc.com.au
Melissa Bennett| Tuck Shop Convenor
Freshwater State School P&C Association
E: tuckshop@freshwaterpandc.com.au
P: 4058 9252