School Hours
The administration office hours are from 8.15 am to 3.30 pm on school days. The administration office is not staffed for public access during school or public holidays.
School commences each day at 8.50 am.
Two Recesses occur during the day:
Before School
There is no formal supervision of the playground or the school grounds before the school day commences. Students arriving before 8:00 am are to sit and wait quietly outside Admin until prompted to move to Canopy (Yr4-6) or Undercovered area (P-3) by staff member on duty.
The first bell rings at 8:40 am and the expectation is that students are at school and preparing for the day's lessons to commence at 8:50 am.
Late arrivals must present to the Office for a late pass before proceeding to their class.
First break
10.40 am - break for morning recess for all year levels.
11.25am - form class lines to return to class.
Second break
1.00 pm to 1:30 pm
2.50 pm - School dismissed for the day.