


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Education fees

There are costs associated with sending your child to school.

State schools provide free instruction, administration and facilities. However, principals in conjunction with the school's Parents and Citizens' association are able to charge fees under the Student Resource Scheme. The amount payable is reviewed annually and may change from year level to year level. Parents and caregivers are responsible for providing such items as day to day stationery and uniforms. Parents also bear the costs of school excursions, camps and extracurricular activities.

Possible combinations of student accounts are:

Student Resource Scheme

These fees are in addition to the book lists (back to school requirements) that are issued at the end of each school year.  The Student Resource Scheme payment is invoiced to each student early in Term 1. The scheme fee offsets bulk purchases made by the school for each year level for items such as: equipment needed to enhance the curriculum during the year e.g art equipment / text books / cooking ingredients / playdough / colour paper / literacy & numeracy projects / drama coaching etc.

Excursion Expenses

Excursion prices are set according to a cost recovery basis only. Schools are not allocated funding for excursions therefore teachers must submit costing plans proving that all expenses e.g. bus travel, for proposed excursions will be met before proceeding.

Instrumental Music Program

For students enrolled in our music program there is a levy payable plus a hire fee (if students are hiring an instrument).  These fees are due and payable PRIOR to the student’s first lesson.

Payment of student accounts

Payments may be made via:

  1. BPOINT – click the link at the bottom of your invoice to pay for the invoice. Alternatively log into your web browser to BPOINT using the full web address provided on your Invoice.  You must include your child’s full name, invoice number located on your invoice and the amount to pay. 
  2. Internet Banking -  Deposit funds directly into our schools bank account.  You must use your child’s full name as a reference to ensure funds are applied to your child’s account. Our bank details are BSB: 064-804 Account: 00091751 Account name: Freshwater State School.
  3. EFTPOS/Cash – via the school office.
  4. Centrepay – Centrelink deductions are accepted at this school.  Please advise office staff who can assist with the completion of the correct forms.​

Part payments of accounts and invoices is available however please advise the Principal via email or letter in advance, so that the arrangement can be noted and approved. If such an arrangement is required for an excursion such as Camp, the full amount must be paid prior to the student attending the activity.

It is very important for all students that school debts are paid as these are monies that our school is expecting that we have already planned or expended. Schools receive limited funding from the government and our hard working P&C’s. Funds are used to benefit all students. Budgets are tight and schools account for every dollar collected and expended. School debts affect all students as it restricts what we may do to support student learning.
Last reviewed 18 March 2025
Last updated 18 March 2025