Supporting our children
The P&C works together with the school community to achieve mutual goals for our school community. In 2023 to 2024, the P &C has achieved several achievements for the school including:
- The full-scale convening of the Freshie School fete, which is a community event that celebrates everything our local community has to offer. In 2023, the decision was made to change the fete to a Friday night and what resulted was a great success and profit that was able to be distributed back to the school.
- The successful decision to fully fund a Senior School playground.
- Preparing successful grant submissions resulting in funding for the Senior School playground, new equipment for the OSHC, fitness circuit and musical instruments.
- Contribute generously to the Freshwater State School annual implementation plan with $30,000 being donated annually.
- Purchasing musical equipment, sporting uniforms, seating, a quality BBQ and undertaking a fridge replacement program for the school.
- Revamping the Freshie Café, our tuckshop, with resourcing of a team of new friendly faces, dedicated to providing healthy food for our children.
- Operating an outside school hours care service and working with the OSHC manager to apply for more spaces in order to cater for the increase in enrolments at our school.
How can I make a difference?
Parents of children who attend Freshwater State School, along with citizens in the local community can join to become a member and attend meetings. Meetings are held twice a term on a Monday, at 6pm in the school staffroom at the administration building. Notifications are in the school newsletter and on Facebook.
I would strongly encourage you to join with us as we work alongside the school to provide continuous improvement of school facilities and increase resources for our children's education. The P&C is also a great way to meet other parents and become part of the Freshwater State School community spirit.
Please find the membership form here:
FSS P&C Membership form V25.pdf
Google form link: https://forms.gle/wrEPrwos592Qdfwx6
| Suzannah Jackson
Vice President
| Erminia Calcagno
| Bree Lloyd
Vice President of Finance
| Tara Younger
| Carla Mack